6 Years of Cosplay

^6! S-I-X! Six years of cosplay later, here I am.
With my sister, I started cosplaying in April of 2009, so that makes 2015 our 6th year of cosplay.

(Technically, it is still March and our Anniversary isn't a few more days from now but I am just really happy that I've been cosplaying for so long and that I am still enjoying it XD)

Let's see, my last entry was... November 2014.
As I feared, life has gotten the best of me.
The number of cosplays I have done have drastically gone down in the last few years but the quality has greatly improved. I think... Maybe... XD
But even with the drop in the number of cosplays I churn out, I am still very much into cosplay.
Though now, I have learned to control which ones to go ahead with and which ones to let go.
Now, I thirst for more challenging costumes as I want to make more beautiful things.

2009 : Year of the Noob Cosplay Bliss
Very minimal make up, used my natural hair most of the time and if I didnt, I had on low class wigs because at that time I really had no idea where to buy wigs, how to make up and I was still pretty much afraid of contact lenses. But I didn't care, I was just happy to dress up XDD

Though now, I actually find making costumes and directing photos/helping other cosplayers more fulfilling. I have learned that I don't have to be the one wearing the costume to produce an awesome cosplay.

I still love cosplay very much but I have to admit that I find it very tiring now.
I love cosplaying but I don't love the stress that comes with it.
I don't love spending 2 to 3 hours for make up and getting changed into costume.
I don't love lugging around my stuff in a hot and crowded convention hall.
I don't love all the drama between people in the community.
But I have never thought of quitting.

2010 : Year of Vision and Vocaloid
I have stopped relying on my natural hair for cosplays so now I have more variety in the characters I portray. Still mostly using cheap wigs because the branded heat resistant ones were too expensive for me.
We had our first encounter with Vocaloid and couldn't get enough of it XDD
I have gotten used to contact lenses by this year and got graded ones so now, I wasn't so blind anymore. Just a little bit. hahahaha
And I will never forget the first boots that I had specifically custom made for a cosplay, so expensive and stressfullllllllll! Oh and my first time to cosplay abroad!

I have come to the point that I just want to put on my costume and be happy.
I have a lot going on with my life; career, family, relationships.
So I think, any more complications from something that should be making us happy is unnecessary.

Anyway, in 6 years, I have learned a lot and am still learning a lot more. Thanks to the people I have met through this hobby, I am also evolving.
I have discovered the joy of teaching and helping others by sharing what I know.

I am still not able to make 100% of my cosplays (most likely because I really find sewing to be slow work, therefore boring. But just as sports is not for everyone, sewing is not my thing).
Over all, I think my skills in cosplay aren't bad but I seek improvement.
Being the way that I am, my satisfaction comes from being able to do the best of what I can to whatever it is I am doing.

2011 : Year of Learning
Started to get aware of a lot of things. Improved on make up and somehow leveled up in terms of costumes. This was the year I focused on improvements. I started working this year and had more to spend on better make up, wigs and other cosplay related stuff. I joined my first major competition and managed to bag 2nd place with my partner, Marko! Also got interested in the photography side of cosplay, mainly because of z3LL.

I have learned how to sew, although I do not enjoy it.
I have learned to make my own armor and props.
I have learned how to use Photoshop and basic post processing of photos.
I have learned about posing, angles and photo shoots.
I have learned about performing on stage and competitions.

To anyone who wants to cosplay or is cosplaying now but think they aren't that good yet, it is ok.
Realizing you suck is the first step.
But that should not stop you from enjoying cosplay.
You only get stuck in sucksville if you choose to. Improving, seeking knowledge and getting better is a choice.

That was kinda harsh... but believe me when I say that it will get better.
A lot of things can be learned.
I didn't know about crafting and now I can make decent armor!
Just don't give up! The internet is vast and wonderful.
As Yaya Han said, practice your google-fu!
You will get better as long as you desire to improve and you keep at it. :)

2012 : Year of Friends 
I did more challenging cosplays and things out of my comfort zone, competitions and crossplays!
 I had more group cosplays and went to Davao and Cebu because by this time, I had accumulated so many friends in the cosplay community. I discovered I can craft and I had a knack for detailing. This was also when I learned there are people you can trust and that you can borrow cosplay stuff from your friends LOL

Let your cosplay idols inspire you.
Don't get sad/depressed or jealous because so and so's cosplays are better than yours, instead, maybe look at their cosplays and learn something from them.

My paint jobs are still lacking and I have tried to replicate how my friends Ae Ri and Krizdel do theirs but I am unsuccessful.
It is fine though, set backs like these are inevitable but because of them, I have developed my own style.

My cosplay is what it is because of all the inspiration, knowledge and experience I have gained through the years. I have my own cosplay style and so does everyone else.

2013 : Goodbye Philippines
The year I left the Philippines to live in Japan. I crammed a lot of cosplays in and made lots of good memories before leaving. Though these cosplayes were rushed, I feel they are some of my best.

"Oh, I can't make that."
"I am tight on budget."
"He/she is better than me any way."
Don't let excuses hinder you.
I am not saying you should be like me, but if cosplay is truly your passion then you should keep moving forward and strive to be the best you can possibly be.

 2014: Blue Year (?)
hahahaha Slow year of cosplay. hahaha Only had 3 cosplays. But hey! They all have blue as their common factor. I only had 3 but I felt really really tired and hot in costume, and these costumes aren't even that complicated!

I won't be posting any 2015 cosplay pics yet as this year hasn't even really sunk in yet.
Let's wait till next year to see what cosplays will come to life for 2015. XDD

So, again.
Happy 6th Anniversary in cosplay for me and my sister! I wonder what 2015 has in store for us, what cosplays we will do, what new skills we will learn, any new friends and where we will go next for the sake of cosplay. <3 I am VERY EXCITED!
To everyone else, enjoy the rest of the day and spread the cosplay love! <3 Cheers!

thanks for reading!
 jaa! visit me again, ne!
     arigatou! (*^3^)/~